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What is IPv6

IPv6, is a new internet protocol which allows to assign world-unique address to all clients and all devices connected to the Internet. This lets to avoid locet to real address translation and perform direct communication. This is significant for PtP networks and telephony. Anoter point is full autoconfiguration. Now IPv6 traffic is distributed over separate from IPv4 channels those are not overloaded yet. Thus, running IPv6 makes you Internet surfing more comfortable.

You can read some details about IPv6 support in our network.

What transfer rate depends on ?

Ping to the remote host significantly affects transfer rate along with average channel load. This can be overcome with adaptive TCP bandwith management algorithm For Windows it is

UDP-based protocols (like, torrent) are not affected by ping and even packet loss, so running torrent for download and upload of some huge popular file is the most correct way to check actual bandwith limit.

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if municipal transtort is stoped, service requests and new lonk request may be delayed.
We continue our service regardless of quarantine. But in case of full lockout we may stop connecting new customers.
Keep kalm and be healthy. Attention!
Payment policy changes since 01.07.2019
We are testing VK/OK/Yandex/ filtering.
You can enable filter on your account management page.
Changes would take effect in 10 minutes.
We also recommend you to backup all your personal data if stored on Yandex, VK, OK, and change e-mail.

* Connect for free

Make 500 UAH prepaid and get 250 on account.

If you are about to connect

* Changed conditions for free connection
There are new bonus options for people who move to other location inside our coverage and who move to flats those are already connected to our network.


Make annually prepaid and get extra 2 months for free

For organizations!

  • Fiber optic splicing 25 UAH/fiber
  • Installation of SCS
  • High quality indor WiFi
  • 100 Mbit internet
    - 1500 UAH with VAT.
